Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Sometimes I have to remind myself that what goes on in my head, only I know. I have a habit of expecting people to understand what's going on with me, when they really have no way of knowing.

Time to get back into my older, more extroverted self!

Friday, April 16, 2010

An exile

Hi how's it going? Good. Me? Well, lemme tell ya...

What if Clark Kent was suddenly told to stop being Superman and just work at the Daily Planet all the time? What if Peter Parker was suddenly told to stop being Spiderman and just work at the Daily Bugle all the time? You know the beginning of the movie the Incredibles? Well, I can't help but say I feel that's what my life feels like right now.

It has been 7 months and counting since I relocated to the dubious UC Mecca of Danbury, Connecticut and started a whole new life from scratch. I dropped off the radar; there are no other Blessed families in this area, I didn't know anyone here. I definitely could relate with Mr. Incredible in that sense, haha.

I came from a world where I was known as the Unificationist kid who had the balls to stand up to an unjust Student Government decision that blocked the chartering of Binghamton CARP. I was known as the Taiwanese guy who started a CARP club that looked like a bona fide student organization rather than a shady front group with a hidden agenda (albeit when we first started out it looked more like an Asian fellowship club :)). I was known by all the members who joined CARP as the "godfather", who was able to bring people of different cultures and backgrounds together for common causes and the greater good, such as partaking in intracultural performing arts festivals, service projects, walks to raise money for cancer, etc. I was known as the guy who preached the Four Core Values- living for the greater good, taking ownership, teamwork and dreaming big, and getting students to realize we are one human family, that we as human beings are more similar than we are different. I was known as the kid who wrote the letters to the school paper defending CARP, creating a buzz in the student government and professors. Indeed, those were the glory days :)

However, my life these days is dramatically different. The people around me these days know me as the Asian kid who's a workaholic but comes in pretty late each day. They know me as the guy who started out writing messy code but is improving. They know me as the only Asian dude at the basketball gym in Redding, who can swish in those jumpers but needs more confidence to go strong to the basket. They know me as the guy with the name that sounds like a pokemon. They know me as the guy who always asks a lot of questions at work and can be pretty gullible. They know me as the good-natured guy who when you see you just get a good feeling. They know me as the guy who seems to befriend atheists because they share a common disdain towards organized religion. They know me as the guy who is planning on having an arranged marriage someday and wants the invitation as soon as the wedding date is set. They know me as simply "Ten".

So as you can see, a dramatic difference. Only God knows what the future will bring. During this time, I've developed a new outlook on how one can make a change in the world. If you are at a certain level spiritually, intellectually, financially and you keep doing activities at that level without growing, you are limiting your potential to change the world. Training and patience and development can ultimately pay off in the long run and you will see yourself making a bigger impact than you ever could have previously. I'm treating this time to develop myself spiritually, financially and intellectually so I can be a force to be reckoned with come D-day (January 13th, 2013 for those who don't know). Especially in these hazy, cloudy times, a strong anchored absolute unchanging faith is necessary.

So yeah, that's how I'm doing these days.

"the glory days"

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Alicia Keys and Stephen Colbert - Empire State of Mind Part II

I'll take this version over Jay-Z's version any day of the week. Colbert's verse is like the story of my life, haha... ("Moved to Connecticut, ‘bye George Pataki" "I can get home really fast, driver rocks an E-Z Pass")

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind (Part II) Broken Down
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorEconomy